Profile Picture | He Whakaahua Matawhaiaro

Profile Picture | He Whakaahua Matawhaiaro

Who are we | Ko wai mātou

Ka tangi te tītī, ka tangi te kākā, ka tangi hoki mātou.
He akomanga rumaki reo hou tēnei. Ko ngā tauira e noho ana ki roto i tēnei akomanga, ko ngā tau 1 ki te tau 4. Ko whaea Moana te kaiako.
Kei te ako mātou i te reo o tō tātou kui mā, koro mā, o tēnā iwi, o tēnā iwi kia āhei ai mātou ki te tū maia, te tū kaha ki roto i tā tātou ake rangatiratanga, ā, tō tātou ake kiri.

Monday, 21 June 2021

Tiakina tō Īpapa


Kei te pēhea te tiaki i te Īpapa

Ko te wiki i mua, kua ako mātou kei te pēhea te waihanga he pānui whakaahua ki runga i te īpapa.

Tirohia ngā mahi ki raro nei. Ka kite koe i ngā tohutohu e whakaatu ana i ngā mahi tika kia pupuri i te īpapa, kia mahi hoki ki runga i te īpapa.


  1. Kia Ora Glenbrae school,

    I enjoy seeing your blog posts because they are creative and positive. I love the effort you guys put into your work. Your blog posts are amazing to look at. What does whakaatu and tirohia mean? I am looking forward to find those meanings and see more of your work! Have an amazing week.

  2. Tēna koutou katoa akomanga 5,

    Ko whaea Tini tōku ingoa e mihi ana! Pai ki te tirohia ki o koutou mahi hei tikina a koutou īpapa. We are a bi-lingual unit from tau 0-6 and we would love to make connections and learn from other tauira. He aha kai a te rangatira? He kōrero, He Kōrero.

  3. Kia ora Akomanga 5 , I like how you guys are holding your netbooks and being smart when holding your ipads. Keep up the good work!!

  4. Kia ora tamariki,
    So nice to see you all learning how to look after your chromebooks! Showing responsibility and respect for your property is one of our school values, so awesome stuff all of you!

    -Miss Tavioni

  5. Good on you Room 5 for showing us the right way how to hold your device. Keep it up don't forget to tell others too.
